Cybersecurity in 2023: What to Expect

It is difficult to predict exactly what will happen in the field of cybersecurity in 2023, as the landscape is constantly evolving, and new threats and technologies are always emerging. However, there are a few trends and developments that are likely to continue or accelerate in the coming years:

Cybersecurity Spending

Many experts agree that cybersecurity spending will continue to grow in the coming years as more and more money is allocated to protecting key digital assets, such as intellectual property, from attacks from state-sponsored hackers and ordinary cybercriminals.

State-Sponsored Cyber Warfare

Cyber-warfare will also remain a major issue in the near future. Many states – particularly nation-states – see cyberattacks as a relatively cheap way of achieving political and military objectives while staying below the increasingly blurred red line that separates acts of war from ordinary crimes.

Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

The use of AI and ML in cybersecurity will also become more prominent in the next few years. The development of smart devices, such as IoT devices, will significantly increase the number of cyberattacks, especially those that involve malicious software that can spread through modern gadgets such as smartphones and laptops.

The Internet Of Things

The "Internet of Things" (IoT) is one of the most important developments in recent years, but it also introduces many new risks and vulnerabilities. To make these devices more secure, developing new types of security controls designed specifically for IoT solutions is necessary.

Cloud Security

Cyberattacks on cloud infrastructure will continue to increase in the coming years. This is because many cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services, provide a central hub that can be accessed by many different devices, which makes them extremely attractive targets for hackers.

Cybersecurity As A Leadership Issue

How cybersecurity professionals are trained and promoted will also change over the next few years, as cyber risk analysis and detection will become crucial skills for future leaders in the field.


Despite its global importance, cybersecurity in law enforcement remains an underdeveloped area at the global level. However, state and non-state governments will make more effort to identify, understand, and respond to cyberattacks in the coming years.

The State Of The Cybersecurity Sector

The state of cybersecurity as a whole is still largely unknown, but many experts believe it will experience a significant increase in incidents over the coming years.

There are several different trends and developments affecting cybersecurity over the next few years, from AI and ML being implemented into data security solutions to state-sponsored cyber attacks becoming more common, but it is difficult to predict exactly what will happen as these issues remain highly volatile and continue evolving on an almost daily basis.


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